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Nature Words for Kids: How to Teach Your Children About the Wonders of Nature


Words of Nature: Meaning, Examples, Quotes, and Benefits

Nature is a source of inspiration, beauty, and wonder for many people. It is also a rich and diverse topic for language learners and writers. In this article, we will explore what words of nature are, how they are used, what they can teach us, and how they can benefit our physical and mental health.

Words of Nature Meaning

Words of nature are words that relate to the natural world or the phenomena of the physical world. They can include the names of natural elements, landscapes, plants, animals, weather conditions, geological features, and more. They can also refer to the qualities or characteristics of nature, such as its beauty, diversity, power, harmony, or mystery.

words of nature

There is no definitive or official list of words of nature, as different sources may have different criteria or perspectives on what counts as a word of nature. For example, some may consider words that describe human emotions or behaviors as words of nature if they are derived from or influenced by natural phenomena. Others may exclude words that have been modified by human intervention or culture.

However, one way to approach the meaning of words of nature is to look at how different dictionaries or websites define the term "nature" itself. Here are some examples:

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  • The external world in its entirety; natural scenery; the inherent character or basic constitution of a person or thing; a kind or class; a creative and controlling force in the universe; an inner force or the sum of such forces in an individual.

  • Nature, being, principle of life; character, essence; the universe; by birth; course of things; natural character, constitution, quality.

  • The physical world or universe; natural phenomena; life in general; creation; heredity; essential qualities; natural environment or wilderness; humankind's original or natural condition.

  • All the animals, plants, rocks, etc. in the world and all the features, forces, and processes that happen or exist independently of people; a basic quality or characteristic that something has; a type or kind; a force that makes living things grow and develop.

  • The particular combination of qualities belonging to a person, animal, thing, or class by birth or as if by birth; hereditary circumstance; innate disposition; the material world beyond human civilization or society; an original condition.

Words of Nature Examples

There are many words related to nature in English that can help us describe our surroundings, express our feelings, communicate our ideas, or create our stories. Some websites provide lists of words of nature with definitions or examples. Others offer quizzes or games to test our knowledge or expand our vocabulary.

Here are some examples of words of nature from different categories:

Words for Describing Geological Features

Geological features are landscape characteristics found in nature that are not plants or animals. They can include mountains, hills, valleys, caves, cliffs, coasts, rivers, lakes, oceans, seas, islands, volcanoes, waterfalls, glaciers, canyons, deserts, and more. Here are some words for describing geological features:





A group of islands or a sea containing many islands.

The Philippines is an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands.


A deep valley with steep sides, often with a river flowing through it.

The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous natural wonders in the world.


A low triangular area of land where a river divides into several smaller parts before entering the sea.

The Nile Delta is home to many ancient civilizations and monuments.


A long narrow inlet of the sea between high cliffs, formed by glacial erosion.

Norway has many beautiful fjords that attract tourists and adventurers.


A hot spring that shoots out a jet of water and steam into the air at regular intervals.

Yellowstone National Park has hundreds of geysers, including the famous Old Faithful.


A fertile spot in a desert where water and vegetation are found.

The travelers were relieved to find an oasis after days of wandering in the desert.

Words for Describing Weather Conditions

Weather conditions are the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, cloudiness, and visibility. They can affect our mood, activities, plans, and health. Here are some words for describing weather conditions:





Mild and pleasant; not too hot or cold.

We enjoyed a balmy evening on the beach.


Windy and stormy; blowing strongly.

The weather forecast warned of blustery conditions for the weekend.


Dull and depressing; gloomy and bleak.

The sky was overcast and the rain was dreary.


Very cold; freezing or below freezing.

The winter was frigid and we had to wear layers of clothing.


Unclear or misty; not bright or distinct.

The mountains were hazy in the distance.


Hot and humid; damp and sticky.

The summer was muggy and we sweated a lot.

Words for Describing Plants and Animals

Plants and animals are living organisms that belong to the natural world. They can be classified into different groups based on their characteristics, such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. They can also be named according to their common names or scientific names. Here are some words for describing plants and animals:





A fast-growing woody grass with hollow stems and jointed branches. It is used for making furniture, paper, musical instruments, and other products.

Bamboo is native to Asia but can grow in many parts of the world.


A succulent plant with thick fleshy stems and spines. It can survive in dry and hot climates by storing water in its tissues.

Cactus flowers are often colorful and fragrant.


A marine mammal with a streamlined body, a long snout, a dorsal fin, and a tail fluke. It is intelligent, social, and playful. It can communicate with sounds and echolocation.

Dolphins are friendly to humans and can be trained to perform tricks.


A large bird of prey with a hooked beak, powerful talons, keen eyesight, and broad wings. It feeds on small animals, fish, or carrion. It is a symbol of strength, courage, and freedom.

Eagles can soar high in the sky and have a remarkable vision.


A small carnivorous mammal with a pointed muzzle, a bushy tail, and a reddish-brown or gray fur. It is cunning, adaptable, and nocturnal. It lives in dens and hunts rodents, birds, or insects.

Foxes are often featured in folktales and fables as tricksters or wise creatures.


A flowering plant with a complex and often colorful structure. It has a large variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and fragrances. It grows in tropical or temperate regions, sometimes on trees or rocks.

Orchids are prized for their beauty and elegance.

Words of Nature Quotes

Words of nature can also inspire us to appreciate the beauty and wisdom of nature. Many famous authors and personalities have expressed their thoughts and feelings about nature in their writings or speeches. Here are some examples of words of nature quotes:

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." - Lao Tzu

"The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness." - John Muir

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir

"The Earth has music for those who listen." - William Shakespeare

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Words of Nature Benefits

Words of nature can also benefit our physical and mental health. Studies have shown that spending time in nature or using words of nature can have positive effects on our mood, stress level, memory, attention, creativity, immune system, blood pressure, and more. Here are some examples of words of nature benefits:

  • Spending time in nature can reduce stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can lower the risk of anxiety, depression, heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems.

  • Using words of nature can activate the brain regions associated with positive emotions, empathy, and social connection, which can enhance our well-being and happiness.

  • Being exposed to natural sounds such as birdsong, waterfalls, or waves can improve our cognitive performance, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving.

  • Reading or writing about nature can boost our creativity and imagination, as well as our appreciation and understanding of the natural world.

  • Learning words of nature can expand our vocabulary and linguistic skills, as well as our cultural awareness and diversity.


Words of nature are words that relate to the natural world or the phenomena of the physical world. They can help us describe our surroundings, express our feelings, communicate our ideas, or create our stories. They can also inspire us to appreciate and enjoy nature more. They can also benefit our physical and mental health in various ways.

Therefore, we should not take words of nature for granted. We should learn them, use them, and share them with others. We should also respect and protect nature as it is the source of life and beauty on Earth.


What are some ways to learn words of nature?

Some ways to learn words of nature are:

  • Reading books or articles about nature or related topics.

  • Watching documentaries or videos about nature or related topics.

  • Listening to podcasts or audio books about nature or related topics.

  • Taking online courses or quizzes about nature or related topics.

  • Visiting natural places such as parks, gardens, forests, beaches, etc.

  • Talking to people who are interested or knowledgeable about nature or related topics.

  • Playing games or puzzles that involve words of nature.

  • Making flashcards or lists of words of nature.

  • Writing sentences or stories using words of nature.

  • Drawing pictures or diagrams using words of nature.

What are some synonyms for words of nature What are some synonyms for words of nature?

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meaning as another word. They can help us avoid repetition, add variety, or express nuances in our language. Here are some synonyms for words of nature:




Woods, woodland, grove, copse, thicket, jungle, rainforest, etc.


Blossom, bloom, petal, bud, floret, floral, etc.


Heavens, firmament, atmosphere, celestial, azure, etc.


Liquid, fluid, aqua, aqueous, moisture, wetness, etc.


Flame, blaze, inferno, combustion, pyre, fiery, etc.

What are some antonyms for words of nature?

Antonyms are words that have the opposite or contrasting meaning as another word. They can help us express contrast, opposition, or difference in our language. Here are some antonyms for words of nature:




Artificial, synthetic, man-made, unnatural, fake, etc.


Tame, domesticated, cultivated, civilized, mild, etc.


Dark, darkness, shadow, dimness, gloominess, etc.


Cold, cool, chilly, freezing, frosty, etc.


Violent, chaotic, turbulent, noisy, restless, etc.

What are some idioms or expressions using words of nature?

Idioms or expressions are phrases that have a figurative meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the words. They can add color, humor, or emphasis to our language. Here are some idioms or expressions using words of nature:

  • A breath of fresh air: someone or something that is new, different, or refreshing.

  • As easy as pie: very easy or simple.

  • Break the ice: to make a tense or awkward situation more relaxed or friendly.

  • Don't judge a book by its cover: don't form an opinion based on appearance alone.

  • Go with the flow: to adapt to the situation or follow the trend.

  • Have a green thumb: to have a natural talent or skill for gardening or growing plants.

  • It's raining cats and dogs: it's raining very heavily.

  • Let the cat out of the bag: to reveal a secret or surprise.

  • Make a mountain out of a molehill: to exaggerate a minor problem or issue.

  • The apple of one's eye: someone who is very dear or precious to someone.

What are some words of nature in other languages?

Words of nature are not exclusive to English. Many other languages have their own words for describing or expressing nature. Some of these words may not have direct translations in English, but they can capture the essence or beauty of nature in unique ways. Here are some examples of words of nature in other languages:






The dawn; the Roman goddess of dawn; the northern lights.



A forest; a grove; a wood.



A flower; a blossom; a petal; a nose; an end; a name.



The sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees.


Latin, Spanish, Italian, etc.

The moon; the Roman goddess of the moon; a name.



A cloud walker; someone who lives in their own imagination or dreams; someone who does not conform to the norms of society.



The desert; the largest hot desert in the world; a name.


Spanish, Italian, etc.

A jungle; a rainforest; a forest; a name.



The earth; the land; the soil; the ground; a name.


Greek, English, etc.

A gentle breeze; the Greek god of the west wind; a name.



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